安德鲁.W.梅隆基金会已经向美国图书馆与信息资源委员会(Coun-cil on Library and Information Re-sources,CLIR)提供了427万美元资助,发起了一个全国性的项目来对隐蔽馆藏和档案进行鉴别和编目。CLIR(http://www.clir.org)是一个独立的、非营利性的组织,其任务就是拓展已记录
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has provided $ 4.27 million to the Councils Library and Information Re-sources (CLIR), launching a nationwide project to conceal hidden collections and File identification and cataloging. CLIR (http://www.clir.org) is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to expand what has been recorded