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目的对上海某社区不同健康水平居民就医行为和影响因素分析,了解居民的医疗需求,指导医院提供满足社区居民需要的卫生服务。方法采用自行编制的调查问卷,内容包含有居民性别、年龄、文化程度及居民对自身健康状况的评价等问题,以及在身体不适时的行为、选择医疗机构的依据、行为和影响因素。由经过培训的医护人员,在社区居委的协助下进行发放、填写。结果健康状况很好和较好的居民在身体出现不适时选择休息及自服药的比例高于健康状况差和较差者;健康状况差和较差的居民选择综合性医院就医的比例高于其他组的居民;健康状况差的居民考虑医疗费用的比例高于其他组。不选择社区医院的原因中技术不够、设备落后、没有药品各组存在差异,健康状况差的居民对设备落后、没有药品因素要求高。结论居民就医行为受个人健康状况影响。要重视健康状况不好居民的医疗行为和影响因素。要合理配制社区卫生服务资源,正确引导居民就医。 Objective To analyze the medical behaviors and influential factors of inhabitants of a certain community in Shanghai, understand the medical needs of residents, and guide hospitals to provide health services that meet the needs of community residents. Methods The self-made questionnaire was used. The questionnaire included the residents ’gender, age, educational level and residents’ evaluation of their own health status. The questionnaire was also used to investigate the behavior, behavior and influencing factors of medical institutions. By trained medical staff, with the help of community committees to issue, fill in. RESULTS: Residents with good health and good health chose to take breaks and self-medication more frequently than those with poor health status and poor health when they had discomfort; those with poor health status and poorer health care rate were more likely to seek medical care in general hospitals Group of residents; poor health residents consider the proportion of medical expenses than other groups. The reasons for not selecting community hospitals are not enough technology, equipment is backward, there is no difference between the various groups of drugs, residents with poor health status lag behind the equipment, there is no need for high drug factors. Conclusion Residents medical treatment is affected by personal health status. Should pay attention to poor health of residents of the medical behavior and influencing factors. We should properly formulate community health service resources and properly guide residents to seek medical treatment.
“蚁族”作为城市化进程中最积极的群体,为城市的可持续发展带来了活力。面对当下暂时的窘境,他们选择勤奋工作,依然没有放弃理想和希望。     有这样一群人:每天早上争分夺秒地挤公交坐地铁,为了上班不迟到;每个工作日能不请假就不请假,为了能拿到全勤奖;几个人合租一间房子,或居住在较偏远的房租较低的地方;尽管现实生活不尽如人意,他们仍咬紧牙关坚持着大城市的梦……  这就是如今生活在北京、上海、杭州等大都
本文叙述了程控法数学解析原理,数据处理程序编制思想等。将微机控制执行循环伏安法的实验结果与经典充放电方法的结果作了比较。 This article describes the programmed c