不知从何时起,写东西时,有了一个边写边听音乐的陋习,可能是音乐与文本在冥冥之中总会有着某种未知的联系吧,一首歌抑或一段音乐,总能给自己带来很多的灵感与回忆。不是吗,就在现在,就在写下这篇致敬《军营文化天地》创刊20周年的文字时,电脑里单曲循环的,就是这首《北京一夜》。并非是说自己与《军营文化天地》仅有“一夜”之缘,单以时间而论,3年1000多个日子,One Thousand In Tiandi,这里
I do not know since when, write things, there is a bad habit of writing and listening to music, music and text may be somewhere in the unknown there will always be some unknown link, a song or a piece of music, always Give yourself a lot of inspiration and memories. No, just now, just writing this tribute to the text of the 20th anniversary of the publication of the “Barracks Cultural World,” the single “One Night in Beijing” circulated on the computer. It is not to say that we are only at the edge of the “barracks culture world” with “one night”. In terms of time alone, there are more than 1000 days in 3 years, One Thousand In Tiandi, here