网络展现给人们一个奇妙世界;网络把世界变成地球村。上网!玩网!当越来越多的人在网络上畅游的同时,也有越来越多的人在问:网络究竟给社会带来了什么?诚然,网络加快了信息交流的过程,但发展网络仅限于如此吗?IBM 公司总裁郭士纳先生在1996年的有关互联网络的一次重要会议上曾说:“国际互联网究竟能干什么?这一问题解决不了,势必会出现所谓‘网络厌倦症’因为投下巨资建立网络终究不是让人闹着玩的,投资应有回报,网络应出效益,那么效益究竟从何而来?”网络的效益在那里?在许多人百思不解之时,IBM 响亮地提出“电子商务”的概念。他们认为千头万绪说穿了就这一句话,电子商务是核心,是关键,抓住了这个本质的东西就能洞察网络世界,就不会在网络风云变幻中茫然不知所措。
The internet shows people a wonderful world; the internet turns the world into a global village. As more and more people surf the Web, more and more people are asking: What does the Internet bring to society? Admittedly, the Internet has accelerated the process of information exchange, but the development The network is limited to this? Mr. Gerstner, president of IBM Corporation, said at an important conference on the Internet in 1996: “The Internet can do nothing or solve the problem, there will inevitably be the so-called ’network tiredness ’Because investing huge amounts of money to establish a network after all, is not a joke, investment should be rewarded, the network should be effective, then the benefits come from?’ ”The effectiveness of the network? Many people puzzled when IBM Loudly put forward “e-commerce ” concept. They think that the multitude of things to put it bluntly, e-commerce is the core, is the key to grasp this essential thing can insight into the online world, it will not be overwhelmed in the changing network environment.