【摘 要】
“Biography of Zhang Juzheng” is a masterpiece of my grandfather Mr. Zhu Dongrun in middle age, published in 1944 by the Komeito Bookstore. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Mr. Shi left his home and went to Sichuan separately. He taught at Wuhan University, moved to Leshan and the Chinese Department of Chongqing Central University. “Biography of Zhang Juzheng” is the work produced in that difficult era. The intent of this book, in addition to academic and cultural construction, is hope?
1.3 Study of Void Nucleation andPositroniumFormationinα-Al_2O_3FanZhiguo; LuoQi; T. Iwata; Zhu Zhengyun (Advanced Science Res
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This paper mainly describes the pressing forming of the stainless steel clad
10月28日,舟山市委、市政府隆重召开陈建军烈士命名表彰大会,表彰今年5月15日在灭火中壮烈牺牲的舟山市消防支队普陀中队一班班长陈建军同志(事迹详见本刊第7期)。 各市地消
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In recent years we have been interested in the synthesis of natural products by retro Diels-Alder reaction.~(1-4)A rogod ,p;eci;e tricyclo[,