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案例介绍甲公司因业务发展需要向丁银行申请贷款8000万元,书面承诺用其办公楼作为抵押。丁银行为降低法律风险,要求甲公司再提供其他担保,乙公司同意用其办公楼为甲公司设立抵押,丙公司同意为甲公司提供保证担保。其后,丁银行与甲公司签订贷款合同、房屋抵押合同,贷款期限为两年,与乙公司、丙公司签订了抵押合同、保证合同,并分别为上述合同办理了相关登记手续,当事人之间没有约定担保责任的承担顺序。 Case Description A company due to business development needs to apply for a loan of 80 million yuan Ding Bank, a written commitment to use its office building as a mortgage. In order to reduce legal risks, Ding Bank required Company A to provide other guarantees. Company B agreed to use its office building as a mortgage for Company A and Company C agreed to provide guarantee for Company A. Subsequently, Ding Bank and Company A signed a loan contract and a mortgage contract with a loan term of two years. They signed a mortgage contract with Company B and Company C to guarantee the contract. The relevant procedures for the registration of the contract were concluded between the parties There is no agreement on the order of commitment.
麋鹿同性爬跨是其发情季节的一种行为表现。麋鹿同性爬跨有一定的时间性,主要选择在发情季节的5:30—7:30和17:00—18:30,早晨同性爬跨的出现比异性爬跨交配提前1 h,傍晚同性