
来源 :国内外机电一体化技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhumuray
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浸胶机帘子布自动生产线上的风机功能是帘子布在浸渍、拉伸、前干燥、后干燥各加热区内传递和均衡温度的作用。4台电动机额定功率为3台45kg,1台75kW三相鼠笼异步电动。45kW电动机起动方式是星三角减压起动,75kW电动机采用星三角起动加自耦减压起动。本文介绍一种采用先进的软起动控制器代替传统普遍应用的星三角起动方式,但在费用开销上又是不比星三角起动方式高的经济实用的技术方案。交流电动机软起动器采用大功率晶闸管作为主回路的开关元件,利用微处理器为核心控制,通过控制导通角以实现软特性的电压升或降,可使被控 Dipping machine automatic curtain cord fabric production line function is the cord fabric in the immersion, stretching, drying, drying the heating zone transfer and the role of equilibrium temperature. 4 motor rated power of 3 45kg, 1 75kW three-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor. 45kW motor starting method is the star delta decompression start, 75kW motor using delta starting and autotracking decompression start. This paper introduces an advanced soft-start controller instead of the traditional star delta starting method commonly used, but the cost overhead is not higher than the star delta starting cost-effective technical solutions. AC motor soft starter using high-power thyristors as the main circuit switching components, the use of microprocessor as the core control, by controlling the conduction angle in order to achieve soft-voltage voltage rise or fall, can be charged
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航芝一号是农业部“九五作物航天技术育种”重点研究成果。2002年通过国家芝麻区试,2003年通过湖北省审定,由丰乐种业开发。 Hangzhi 1 is the Ministry of Agriculture,
因地因苗追肥。开花期植株因缺肥不能及时封行的田块,可在初花期再追肥一次。一般每亩追施尿素5公斤或者硫酸铵10公斤,可减少花荚脱落。 根外喷肥。在花荚期一般每亩用尿素0
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The dynamic equation of cracked rotor in rotational frame was modelled, the numerical simulation solutions of the cracked rotor and the uncracked rotor were obt