
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yellowuncle
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茶,在我国人民的日常生活叶中占有重要的地位,闲暇之日,劳动之余,与亲朋好友相会,在品茶叙情之间,国事、家事、私事无所不谈,饮茶还是人们进行社会交际,或交流信息,切磋技艺,或生意洽谈,买卖成交,甚至化解纠纷,公断议事的一种媒介。茶馆就是人们品茗叙事的场所。茶馆多是长江流域一带的称呼,北方京、津一带也多这样叫。广东、广西和海南等地则多叫做茶楼, Tea occupies an important place in the daily life of our people. On the leisure day, when not working, we meet with relatives and friends, talk about tea, food, tea, or tea. Conduct social communication or exchange of information, learn skills, or business negotiations, trading transactions, and even resolve disputes, arbitration proceedings of a medium. Teahouse is a place for people to narrate tea. Teahouse is the name of the Yangtze River area, the northern Beijing, Tianjin area also called this. Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan are often called restaurants,