A double-cladding fiber curvature sensor based on the extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer

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Based on the principle of Fabry-Perot (F-P) interference, a new type of optical fiber curvature sensor is presented, which is fabricated by single-mode fiber (SMF), ceramic tube and double-cladding fiber (DCF). And the curvature sensing properties are analyzed, and the double-peak method is used to demodulate the cavity length. The experimen-tal results show that the F-P interference spectrum shifts toward long wavelengths with increasing the curvature. And the sensors are placed in different positions on the cantilever to get their different curvature sensitivities. Smaller initial cavity length gives greater sensor sensitivity. The best curvature sensitivity is achieved as 2 554.53 pm/m-1 in 0.71—1.18 m-1. By demodulating the length of the F-P cavity, the cavity length of sensor 4 is changed by 0.08 mm. Therefore, the sensor has some potential for measure the small displacement.
The ability to control the energy transfer in rare-earth ion-doped luminescent materials is very important for various related application areas such as color display, bio-labeling, and new light sources. Here, a phase-shaped femtosecond laser field is fi
克尔介质; Λ型三能级原子; 粒子布居几率
提出了一种改进的盲相位噪声补偿算法--两阶投影直方图(two-stage PH)算法。利用一系列均匀分布的测试相位对接收信号进行相位旋转,将得到的信号向实轴投影,获取投影直方图;统计投影中心附近星座点的数量,以数量最多对应的测试相位作为粗相移值;以粗相移值为中心均匀取一定数量的测试相位,重复一阶投影直方图的估计步骤,得到精确的相移值进行相位补偿。通过基于光梳状谱的双向相干光正交频分复用无源光网络(CO-OFDM-PON)实验系统对该算法的性能进行了验证。结果表明:该方法对10×8 Gbit/s的 CO-O
自从1964年Kasper和Pimenteim用紫外光分解CF3I和CH3I生成碘原子I(2p1/2)得到1.315 μm激光振荡以来,经过了二十年。化学激光器在高功率激光器中的地位仍然是不可动摇的。七十年代后期,又出现了化学激发的O2-I激光器(电子能量转移型),它作为一种高功率化学激光器引起人们注意,对它的研究日趋活跃。本文仅以1981年以后(包括笔者在这方面的研究)的研究作一介绍。
利用ANSYS有限元模拟软件,建立了激光熔凝RuT300三维实体有限元模型,考虑了激光吸收率、材料热物性参数及相变潜热的影响,通过分析不同预热温度下激光熔凝的瞬态温度场,获得预热温度对温度分布、温度梯度、冷却速率等的影响规律。结果表明,随着预热温度的增大,试样相同位置处的最高温度增大,预热温度对试样下部的温度场影响更明显;随着预热温度的增大,试样相同位置处的温度梯度减小,当距离试样上表面的深度达到约2 mm时,试样的温度梯度受预热温度的影响不明显;对试样进行预热处理可降低试样的冷却速率,冷却速率随着预热温
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