辅导材料(4) 本月份学习录音机教材的第四章内容。 一、修理经验 (1)修理十忌 一忌不管三七二十一打开机壳通电检查;二忌不作仔细分析而用起子乱捣乱敲;三忌盲目地过量更换元器件;四忌不分青红皂白拆下机心、线路板上零部件;五忌动不动一根根焊下机内引线;六忌螺丝、零部件满桌乱放;七忌装配错位而频繁返工;八忌找到故障原因但处理不彻底;九忌修理完毕不作试听检验;十忌修理完毕不作记录和总结。 (2)不稳定故障对策 对于时响时不响故障,可先用烙铁重新熔焊一些怀疑的焊点,若发现焊点有气孔、焊锡不光滑的,应重新熔焊。由于印刷线路板有
Counseling materials (4) this month to learn tape fourth chapter content. First, the repair experience (1) repair ten bogey a bogey March 27 open the case power check; two bogey without careful analysis and screwdriver mess trouble knock; three bogey blindly excessive replacement of components; four bogey indiscriminate indiscriminate Remove the movement, the circuit board components; five peril a root welding under the machine lead; six bogey screws, spare parts scattered around the table; seven bogey assembly dislocation and frequent rework; eight bogey find the cause of the malfunction but the deal is not Complete; Nine bogey repair is not done for audition test; Ten bogey repaired without making a record and summary. (2) Unstable failure countermeasure When the system does not ring when the ringing sound, you can use the iron to re-weld some of the suspected solder joints, solder joints if there are pores, the solder is not smooth, should be re-welded. Due to the printed circuit board there