世纪城够大,京西248万平米超大型生活城,180万平米生态住宅社区;68万平米超大型休闲娱乐天地,27公顷大型生态绿化,9洞27杆高尔夫练习场等等,只数字就能引无数购房者竟折腰;世纪城够名气,连续三年北京楼盘销售冠军、北京市人民政府“金牌居住区”、京城地产权威性媒体《北京青年报》、《北京晚报》双料明星楼盘,这样的楼盘声名,比老潘在地产圈的人物声名大概还要“地球人都知道”。但带着耀眼光环的世纪城之所以让京西乃至京城购房者趋之若鹜、连折销售金牌,连2003年出尽风头的建外 SOHO 也只能屈居第二,靠的决不仅仅是其巨无霸的体量,更不是游离于虚实之间的名气。
Century City is large enough, 2.98 million square meters of super-large-scale living West City, 1.8 million square meters of ecological residential community; 680,000 square meters of large-scale entertainment world, 27 hectares of large-scale ecological greenery, 9-hole 27-hole golf driving range and so on, Century City City famous, for three consecutive years Beijing real estate sales champion, Beijing Municipal People’s Government “gold medal residential area ”, Beijing real estate authoritative media “Beijing Youth Daily”, “Beijing Evening News” double star Real estate, real estate such reputation, than Laopin in the real estate circles about the characters probably “Earth people know ”. However, with the dazzling aura of Century City, the reason why Beijing and even the capital Beijing home buyers rush, even the sale of gold medals, and even the limelight in 2003 Jian Wai SOHO can only place second, by no means just its giant Pa’s body, nor is it free from the fame between the actual situation.