
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amaozh
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历史文化是人类在生存与繁衍过程中形成的对世间万物的认识、在特定地域的生活方式、行为方式、价值准则、精神信仰等的总和,并作为一种城市规划的观念渗透在从古到今的城市营建中。本文将以四川省级历史文化名城——广汉市为例,追溯城市的历史记忆,挖掘广汉丰富的历史文化内涵,找寻历史文化传承与现代城市营建的契合点,探讨城市历史文化在现代文明中的继承与延续之路。 History and culture are the sum of human life, behavior, values ​​and spiritual beliefs formed in the process of survival and reproduction. They are permeated from ancient times to ancient times as a concept of urban planning This city is under construction. This paper will take Guanghan, a provincial-level historical and cultural city as an example, to trace the historical memory of the city, to excavate the rich historical and cultural connotation of Guanghan and to find the meeting point of historical and cultural inheritance and the construction of modern city, and to explore the relationship between urban historical and cultural in modern civilization Inheritance and continuation of the road.