China import and export of NNdFeB products in 2020

来源 :中国稀土信息(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redsouler
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1.Exportrn1.1 Export quantityrnIn 2020,China exported totally 40,800 tons of NdFeB products including rare earth permanent magnets,NdFeB magnetic powder,other NdFeB alloys and permanent magnetic cast strip,with a year-on-year increase of 0.24 percent.The export value was 1.782 billion US dollars,a year-on-year increase of 0.14 percent.The average price was 43.65 US dollars per kilogram,with a year-on-year decrease of 0.10 percent.
Chinas banking and insurance sector will accelerate the development of green finance and provide comprehensive financial services to assist in the countrys transition toward a greener and low-carbon economy,regulatory officials said.
Forging ahead toward a greener future,China is ever more committed to transforming its steel industry into a low carbon-emitting one amid the global economys march toward producing net-zero carbon emissions.As China has promised to peak carbon dioxide e
Chinas resolve to further cut greenhouse gas emissions and realize carbon neutrality will be facilitated by financial markets,experts said.President Xi Jinping announced in September that China would peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neut
China will end the subsidies for new centralized photovoltaic stations,distributed photovoltaic pro-jects and onshore wind power projects from the central gover