中共中央政治局常委、书记处书记李长春强调指出,要从贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众入手,加强和改进宣传思想工作,切实把“三贴近”要求贯穿到宣传思想工作的各个方面,大力倡导“三贴近”,积极鼓励“三贴近”,努力实践“三贴近”,使“三贴近”在宣传思想战线蔚然成风。 他指出,进入新世纪新阶段,宣传思想工作遇到了很多新的情
Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat, emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen and improve publicity and ideological work from the practical level, close proximity to the people and the masses and earnestly advocate the “three closerness” requirements to all aspects of propaganda and ideological work “Three Closets,” actively encourage “three closerness” and work hard to practice “three close-tos,” so that “three close-tos” become common practice in the propaganda and ideological front. He pointed out: In entering a new phase of the new century, many new feelings have come up in propaganda and ideological work