
来源 :医疗卫生装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfszlfs2009
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各位专家、各位代表、同志们:今天恰逢《中华人民共和国计量法》颁布实施十周年纪念日,我们在这里召开“全军第二届医学计量科学技术委员会暨工作会议”,总结五年来全军医药卫生系统贯彻执行《计量法》,积极开展军队医学计量工作的基本情况,谋划“九五”军队医学计量建设与发展的大计;同时,也隆重纪念《计量法》颁布实施十周年。这次会议意义重大,责任重大,影响深远。国家技术监督局、国防科工委对这个会议十分重视,王以铭副局长、丁衡高主任专门为会议题词,并派有关部门的领导出席会议。在此,我代表总后首长、总后卫生部机关全体同志,向国家技术监督局、国防科工委长期以来对军队医学计量工作给予的指导和支持表示衷心地感谢。向到会的各位专家、各位代表、同志们表示热烈地欢迎。也借此机会,向工作在我军医学计量战线上的全体科技人员、管理人员、以及关心、支持和帮助全军医学计量工作的各级领导、各级管理部门,表示衷心地感谢和崇高地敬意。 Experts, representatives and comrades: Today coincides with the 10th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the “Metrology Law of the People’s Republic of China,” where we hold the “2nd Medical Scientific and Technical Committee and Work Conference of the Whole Army,” and summed up the past five years The military medical and health system carried out the “Metrology Law” and actively carried out the basic situation of medical metrology for the armed forces and planned the plan for the construction and development of medical measurement in the Ninth Five-year-Plan Army. At the same time, it also solemnly commemorated the 10th anniversary of the enactment and implementation of the Metrology Law. This meeting is of great significance, great responsibility and profound influence. State Science and Technology Supervision Bureau, National Defense Commission attaches great importance to this meeting, Wang Yiming, director, director Ding Hengao specially for the meeting inscription, and sent the leaders of relevant departments to attend the meeting. Here, on behalf of the general post-commander and general post-comrades of the Ministry of Health, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to the State Bureau of Technical Supervision and the Commission for Science and Industry for National Defense for their long-term guidance and support to the military medical measurement work. We warmly welcome all the experts, deputies and comrades to the meeting. I also take this opportunity to convey my heart-felt thanks and noble respect to all the scientific and technological personnel and managers working on the medical measurement front of our military and leaders at all levels who care, support and assist in the medical measurement work of the entire military. Respect.
本文报告我院急诊收治的7例氨基甲酸酯类农药中毒患者,现分析如下:1一般情况 7例病人中男3例,女4例,年龄29~52岁,平均41岁。农药包装工6例,发病原因均为违章操作,另1例为生活性中毒。其中速灭威中