第17届国际理论与应用力学会议将于1988年8月21日至27日在法国Grenobl东部的Saint Martin d’Heres大学召开。Pual Germain教授和Monique Pian博士是大会组织委员会的两位主席。会议内容涉及整个分析力学、固体力学和流体力学及其应用领域。大会已经分别特邀苏联学者V.I.Arnold在开幕式上和美国学者J.W.Miles在闭幕式上作学术报告,还特邀了15位学者(P.De Gennes,法国,J.Gollub,美国,p Hagedorn,J.R.Herring,美国:E Hopfinger 法国,
The 17th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics will be held from August 21 to 27, 1988, at the University of Saint Martin d’Heres in eastern Grenobl, France. Professor Pual Germain and Dr. Monique Pian are the two chairpersons of the organizing committee of the conference. The meeting covered the entire analytical mechanics, solid mechanics and fluid dynamics and their applications. The conference has invited Soviet scholar VIArnold to give an academic report at the opening ceremony and the American scholar JWMiles at the closing ceremony. He also invited 15 scholars (P. De Gennes, France, J.Gollub, USA, p Hagedorn, JRHerring, United States: E Hopfinger France,