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范志毅得偿所愿的笑容让人们看出了他去国外学习和锻炼自己的迫切。最早提出出国踢球的是范志毅,最早去英国试训,不怕别人耻笑的是范志毅,有了机会努力争取不计个人得失的还是范志毅,范志毅与国际接轨的意识和观念让他成为中国足球可以载人史册的第一人。孙继海紧闭双眼高举双手义无反顾的表情让人想到他投人欧洲职业联赛大熔炉的勇往直前的心情。他完全可以坚信一切都是美好的,一切都是光明的,因为二十出头的他有时间也有精力完善自己,这种完善是痛苦的,但也是幸福的。李金羽勇者无畏,他向前冲去的姿势包含了一个年轻人勇于拼争、勇于进取、勇于献身的冲劲儿,中国甲B不该是他的起点,他应该有更为光辉的起点,他将带着他的执 Fan Zhiyi got his smile so that people see him to study abroad and exercise their own urgent. The earliest proposed to go abroad to play Fan Zhiyi, the earliest to the United Kingdom for training, is not afraid of other people ridicule is Fan Zhiyi, with the opportunity to strive for regardless of personal gains or losses Fan Zhiyi, Fan Zhiyi with international standards of consciousness and ideas made him a Chinese football can be manned History of the first person. Sun Jihai closed his eyes holding his hands upright his hands reminiscent of his investment into the European Championship meltdown forward. He can be absolutely convinced that everything is beautiful, everything is bright, because in his early twenties he has the time and energy to perfect himself. Such perfection is painful but also happy. Li Jinyu bravely brave, he rushed forward position contains a young courage to struggle, courage to forge ahead, the courage to dedicate the momentum, China should not be his starting point, he should have a more brilliant starting point, he will With his executive