Small Things Make a Big Difference:the Small-molecule Cross-linker of Robust Water-soluble Network B

来源 :高等学校化学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshuanshuan521521
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Silicon(Si)with high theoretical capacity has attracted tremen-dous attention as the next-generation anode material for Li-ion batteries,but the huge expansion during cycling restricts its practical application.Designing a low-cost,accessible robust network binder is a facile and effective approach to suppress the volume change effect and achieve the commercial application of Si anodes.Different previous studies focused on the network binder macromolecule main chain,this manuscript pays attention to the study of small-molecule cross-linker.Herein,cross-linked network binders using alginate acid and two kinds of cross-linkers,i.e.,D-sorbitol and isosorbide(Alg-DS and Alg-IS binders)are synthesized.It was found that not only the chemical structure of the cross-linker but also the physicochemical property,such as melting point affect greatly the mechanical properties of the network binder.As a result,the Si anode with an Alg-DS binder dried below the melting point of DS shows the best cycling stability with a high capacity of 2249.8 mA·h/g and a retention rate as high as 95.9%after 100 cycles.This study gives a new view to design robust network binders for stable Si anodes.
我也笑了,走上去挎住罗老师的胳膊:“没事儿,等我以后在这儿当老师了,你可以来找我陪你看夕阳!”   1  刚上高中时,有一天同桌忽然满脸花痴地问我:“你有没有发现罗老师很帅?”我愣了一下,然后轻轻地耸了耸肩:“还好吧!”“你呀,真是不解风情。”同桌很无奈地瞥了我一眼。我微微一笑,嗯,罗老师确实很帅,可是你见过他年轻时候的照片吗?那时候更帅。还有你见过他发脾气时的样子吗?你知道他摆起臭脸来有多可怕吗
那年去平遥古城游玩,见到一个朱红色的漆器首饰盒,釉色鲜亮,典雅古朴。我看着甚是喜欢,购回搁置在卧室化妆台上。十余年的光阴一晃而过,那个精致的盒子里所存放的,在我看来都是无比珍贵的礼物。   每隔一段时间,我都会打开盒子仔细端详一番,里面藏着的一些独特而隐秘的物件,对我来说,它们见证了生命的神奇时刻,是独属于我的记忆宝库。   可别以为那是些华美贵重的首饰,而其实里面放着的,是女儿幼时戴过的一对
1  黄昏,屋里亮了灯,靠在厨房门边,看妈妈做我爱吃的葱油饼。   青绿的小葱切成细细的葱花,一粒粒爆满的花椒在锅中小火焙干,用器皿碾成粉末。   醒好的面团分成均匀的剂子,按揉后擀成薄薄的面饼。涂一层晶莹的食用油,均匀撒上食盐,细碎的葱花和花椒粉,将面饼卷起后绕成一个圆,两段在圆的中间重叠后,再一次擀成薄厚适中的面饼。   再一次形成的面饼,便有了层次。   厚厚的平底锅涂一层薄薄的食用
今年9月,我的儿子正式成为一名小学生。   开学那天,他开开心心地去上学,在校口与我分别后,便转身走进了校园,留我在校门外巴巴地泪眼婆娑。这一整天我都寝食难安,担心他会不会哭,担心他能不能顺利地找到教室,担心他会不会好好吃饭,担心他能不能认真听讲……而儿子留给我的,唯有微笑着再见和坚定的背影。   原来,这就是龙应台笔下的目送啊!年少时读《目送》,并不理解其中的深意,直到自己亲临目送的场景,才
Sodiumion batteries(SIBs)have attracted intensive attention as promising alternative to lithium-ionbatteries(LIBs)for large scale energy storage systems because
Li metal possesses a high theoretical specific capacity,high electronic conductivity,and a low electrochemical potential,making it a promising anode material fo