
来源 :天津水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WHO891225
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目前天津市水产养殖业正在大力调整养殖品种和结构,扩大名优品种的养殖。南美白对虾作为一个优良的海淡水养殖品种,将在我市大规模推广。为此《天津水产》将本市南美白对虾养殖模式及成功经验汇成专题介绍给大家,希望能给广大养殖户以参考和借鉴。在目前大力推广南养白对虾养殖的同时,我们也应清醒地认识到潜在的风险,特别是病害风险和市场风险。因此提醒大家切莫盲目跟风,应在充分考虑自身养殖环境和实际条件的基础上确定养殖品种,因地制宜地选择适合自身条件的养殖模式,严把苗种质量关,才能取得预期效果,并在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败。 At present, aquaculture in Tianjin is vigorously adjusting breeding breeds and structures and expanding the breeding of famous breeds. Penaeus vannamei as an excellent marine freshwater breed, will be large-scale promotion in our city. To this end, “Tianjin Fisheries” will be the city of white shrimp farming patterns and successful experience Huicheng introduced to you, hoping to give the majority of farmers for reference and reference. At present, while vigorously promoting the cultivation of P. nigra shrimp, we should also clearly recognize the potential risks, especially the disease risk and the market risk. Therefore, we should remind everyone not blindly follow the trend, should take full account of their own farming environment and the actual conditions of the aquaculture species identified on the basis of local conditions to choose their own breeding mode, strictly control the quality of seed in order to achieve the desired results and intense The market competition is unbeaten.