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患者女性,1岁,住院号13086。主诉发热4天,伴有惊厥。患儿于4天前开始发热,持续不退,晨低暮重,伴有轻度咳嗽,无气急。无恶心及呕吐,大便正常。精神尚好,照常吃奶,未经任何治疗。于入院前4小时开始有惊厥,并反复发作,每次持续数分钟,继之神智昏迷乃以急症来院。过去史:仅于4个月前患过肠炎数天,经服药治愈,未患过其他传染病。体检;体温39.1℃,发育营养较差,神智不清,呈急重病容,呼吸快慢不匀,全身皮肤无皮疹及出血点,前囟未闭,向外膨隆,两侧眼球固定,瞳孔等大,对光反应消失,耳鼻无异常,咽稍充血,扁桃体不肿大,颈项柔软,心肺无异常。腹软,肝、脾均未触及,四肢正常,无 Female patient, 1 year old, hospital number 13086. Chief complaint fever 4 days, accompanied by convulsions. Children 4 days ago began to fever, persistent, morning and evening heavy, accompanied by mild cough, no urgency. No nausea and vomiting, normal stool. The spirit is still good, as usual, without any treatment. 4 hours before admission convulsions, and recurrent episodes, each lasting several minutes, followed by conscious coma is to emergency hospital. Past history: Just 4 months ago, suffering from enteritis for several days, cured by medication, not suffering from other infectious diseases. Physical examination; body temperature 39.1 ℃, the development of nutrition is poor, delirious, was seriously ill, breathing uneven, skin rashes and no bleeding, anterior fontanel, out bulging, both sides of the eye fixed, pupil and other large , Disappeared on the light reaction, no abnormal ear and nose, pharyngeal hyperemia, tonsil does not enlarge, neck soft, no abnormal heart and lung. Abdominal soft, liver, spleen are not touched, limbs normal, without
Fullerene C60 reacted with p-azidostyrene derivatives in refluxing chlorobenzene,yielding monoadducts 2a and 2d as well as diadduct 2c with aziridine structure
瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin),早已是墨西哥历史上最受欢迎的小生及拉丁流行乐界当红的超级巨星。在墨西哥,不仅他的唱片专辑创下销量达白金的记录,他所参演的电视剧、电影及舞
Although the genetic algorithm(GA) for structural optimization is very robust,it is very computationally intensive and hence slower than optimality criteria and