【出 处】
Intensity-independent molecular rotational decoherence lifetimes measured with mean wavelength shift
We report on an experimental investigation on the dynamic decoherence process of molecular rotational wavepackets during femtosecond laser filamentation based on time-dependent mean wavelength shifts of a weak probe pulse. Details of periodic revival stru
We exhibit a three-dimensional (3D) photonic nanojet based on a dielectric microsphere irradiated by a plane wave with the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. We investigate the influence of the refractive index of the surrounding on the properti
基于自混合散斑干涉的转速测量,提出一种新型的转速测量方法。激光自混合散斑系统作为测量和参考光, 利用自混合散斑信号的频谱来提取物体运动时自混合散斑信号发生的频移, 实现转速的测量。利用F-P腔及快速傅里叶变换对理论进行分析及实验验证, 实验结果表明方法可以精确的实现测量转速, 误差在2%以内。
Method of evaluation of a mirror surface figure based on frequency domain and its application for th
We propose a sub-aperture stitching algorithm based on a frequency domain that can be denoted as a power spectral density (PSD). Our algorithm is verified by the experimental data obtained from measuring a Φ1.23 m mirror at the Changchun Institute of Opti
We present a method to generate a frequency-doubled microwave signal by employing a coupling-modulated ring resonator. Critical coupling is achieved when the resonator intrinsic loss is perfectly balanced by the external coupling enabled by a Mach–Zehnder
为了进一步提高入射到光敏元上的光能,针对光刻胶热熔法制备的微透镜的非球面面形,提出了一种结合有限元光线追迹和拉格朗日乘子法的设计方法。给定焦距,用该算法可以自动计算出所需的微透镜面形。为了验证算法的精度,对圆形孔径的焦斑均方根半径进行了模拟和理论计算,二者较为吻合。对三次有限元光线追迹的点列图误差进行了估计。计算了会聚到320 pixel×256 pixel背照射紫外焦平面探测器光敏元上的能量集中度,比较了具有不同圆角半径的方形孔径蓝宝石微透镜的效率。结果表明,具有6 μm圆角半径的方形孔径微透镜的能量集
High magnetic field spectroscopy has been performed on lead chloride-based perovskite, a material that attracts significant interest for photovoltaic and photonic applications within the past decades. Optical properties being mainly driven by the exciton