
来源 :陕西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyouzhu
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陕北群众素有栽桑养蚕的习惯。北部风沙区主要栽植灌丛式的矮桑,丘陵沟壑区则多植乔木甜桑、吴堡桑。为了加速陕北黄土高原的开发治理,振兴陕北蚕业,多年来我们在子长县对黄土高原桑树丰产特性进行了初步研究。一、现有桑园的生产潜力 1.长城沿线风沙滩地区桑树养成形式为根刈无干丛生桑类型,群众俗称“桑扑子”,品种有大花桑、灰桑等。历史上在神、府、佳、榆及横山等县的北部曾分布桑扑子两万余亩。群众利用这种矮桑防风固沙,采叶养蚕、砍条编织。 The people of northern Shaanxi known as the habit of mulberry sericulture. The northern windy area is mainly planted bushy dwarf mulberry, hilly and gully areas are planted more trees sweet mulberry, Wu Fort Sang. In order to speed up the development and management of the loess plateau in northern Shaanxi and rejuvenate sericulture in northern Shaanxi, we conducted a preliminary study on the yield-rich characteristics of mulberry in the Loess Plateau over the years. First, the potential of the existing mulberry production 1. The wind mulch along the Great Wall area of ​​the form of mulberry mulberry regrowth for the root mulberry dry type, the masses commonly known as “Sang Puzi,” a large flower Sang, gray mulberry and so on. Historically in God, House, good, elm and Yokoyama and other counties in the north have distributed Mulberry more than 20,000 acres. The masses use this dwarf mulberry wind sand, pick silk sericulture, cut the knitting.
01 乐居舟山  中国首批房贷族:当时背负巨摘购房被认为是疯子  本世纪初,中国兴起了第一批住房贷款热潮。目前,一批10-15年期的房贷将迎来清款大限,首批房贷族将由此“解套”。中国房地产市场化改革后的第一批购房者,集中在2000年至2003年,房价相对较低,贷款条件较宽松,还贷压力也小。  02 新浪房产  调查称“80后”超五成有房买房多数靠父母  广州调查数据显示,超过五成的“80后”都拥有
The research topic of this proposal mainly involves two aspects, one is the thematic roles, the other is the mapping theory. Explore the syntactic-semantic inte
志书主编应该广识博学,才智超群,在修志中不能吃知识老本,必须增强自身素质。这是主编的天职天责,是种种客观所迫,不可怠懈和贻误。 一、主编要有知识结构合理的资质 面对主编和主
1983年海城县利用山地、沙地、园地、墙角种植醋栗1 ,500亩,共收入85万多元。醋栗是丛生小灌木,适应性强。苗木价格低,每亩栽600~800穴,苗木费仅100元,栽后二年结果,一般亩产