7月1日,赴海南执行完特殊任务后准备返回部队的驻西安某部,在海口市特意赶做了一面绣有“热情周到,情系航天”烫金字的锦旗,送到了驻海南省航务军代处的军代表手中,以表达该部官兵对军代表主动为部队排忧解难、保障有力的崇敬之情和感激之心。这是该军代处近年来努力实践“三个代表”的又一充分体现和写照。 驻海南省航务军代处是广州军区联勤部下属的“远、小、散”单位,担负海南全省水路、航空、公路
July 1, go to Hainan after the completion of a special mission to prepare the return of troops in a ministry in Xi’an, Haikou City, deliberately rushed to embroider side of the “warm and thoughtful, the sentiment Department space shuttle” golden flag of the pennant, sent to Hainan Airlines At the hands of the military representatives of the military agencies, they expressed their strong feelings of respect and gratitude for the military representatives on their initiative to solve their problems for the military forces and to safeguard their vigilance. This is another full manifestation and portrayal of the “three represents” that the military service agency strived to practice in recent years. The naval service stationed in Hainan Province is a unit of “distant, small and scattered” subordinate to the joint logistics department of the Guangzhou Military Region and is responsible for the waterway, aviation and highway