本刊讯稷山县板枣因其味美而闻名全国。按理说眼下这个季节应该是枣农丰收的季节,然而这里的枣农却因板枣开裂发霉而犯愁。稷山县板枣主要产于陶梁、姚村、南阳、辛庄、吴村、上柏、下柏等丘陵地区,这些地区海拔低,气温高,日照时间长,昼夜温差大,气候干燥,宜于枣树生长和果实糖分的积累,总年产量100 t多,50%以上出口外销。正常年份生产的板枣,
JKS News Jishan County Banzao famous for its delicious and the country. It stands to reason that this season should be the harvest of jujube farmers season, but jujube here because of jujube crack mold and worry. Jishan County Banzao mainly produced in Tao Liang, Yao Village, Nanyang, Xinzhuang, Wu Village, on the cypress, cypress and other hilly areas, these areas are low elevation, high temperature, long sunshine, large temperature difference between day and night, Appropriate jujube tree growth and fruit sugar accumulation, the total annual output of 100 t more than 50% of export sales. Normal production of plate dates,