
来源 :解放军医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ellydyl
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神经性毒剂是目前已知的几种军用毒剂中毒性最强的一种速杀性毒剂,包括G类毒剂沙林、梭曼、塔崩和V类毒剂VX等。 毒剂可通过呼吸道、皮肤粘膜和消化道等途径而迅速引起中毒,其中尤以呼吸道中毒发病迅猛,数分钟内便可致死。所以,抢救必须迅速、及时、准确、先重后轻,除卫生人员积极抢救外,主要是自救互救。 神经性毒剂中毒主要是毒剂抑制了胆硷脂酶(ChE),使其丧失水解乙酰胆硷(ACh)的能力,以致大量ACh蓄积,造成胆硷能神经功能紊乱,产生一系列中毒症状。此外,神经性毒剂还能直接作用于胆硷能受体。 急 救 急救原则是立即注射神经性毒剂急救针,尽快防止继续中毒和维持呼吸,循环功能。 一、自救互救中毒较轻者进行自救,较重者互救。(1)当发现空气中有神经性毒剂时,立即屏住呼吸,尽快戴上防毒面具。如有神经性毒剂液滴落入眼内,立即用水冲洗眼睛后尽快戴上面具。(2)当出现瞳孔缩小、视力模糊、_胸紧迫感或肌颇等中毒症状时,立即肌注神经性毒剂急救针1支。如中毒症状不缓解可再注射1支。(3)皮肤、衣服和武器染有液滴态毒剂时,立即用个人消毒粉剂手套进行消毒。(4)呼吸停止时行人工呼吸,心跳停止时行体外心脏按摩。 Neurotoxic agents are currently known as the most toxic of one of the most poisonous military agents, including G agents sarin, soman, tabun and V-type agents such as VX. Poisons can rapidly cause poisoning through the respiratory, mucocutaneous and digestive tracts, among others, the rapid onset of respiratory poisoning can kill a few minutes. Therefore, the rescue must be prompt, timely and accurate, focusing on the first and the second. In addition to the active rescue by the health personnel, the two are mainly self-help and mutual aid. Neurotoxic poisoning is mainly caused by the agent that inhibits cholinesterase (ChE), losing its ability to hydrolyze acetylcholine (ACh), causing massive accumulation of ACh, resulting in cholinergic dysfunction and a series of poisoning symptoms. In addition, neurotoxic agents can also act directly on cholinergic receptors. Emergency first aid principle is immediate injection of nerve agent first aid needle, as soon as possible to prevent continued poisoning and maintain respiratory, circulatory function. First, self-help and mutual aid poisoning less self-help, heavier and mutual help. (1) When it is found that there is nerve agent in the air, hold your breath immediately and wear a gas mask as soon as possible. If any neurotoxic agent drops into the eye, immediately wash your eyes with water and put on your mask as soon as possible. (2) when there miosis, blurred vision, _ thoracic urgency or muscle symptoms such as poisoning, immediately intramuscular injection of nerve agent first aid needle. If the symptoms do not relieve poisoning can be injected a. (3) When the skin, clothes and weapons are contaminated with liquid drops, disinfect them immediately with personal disinfectant powder gloves. (4) Breathing stopped when artificial respiration, cardiac arrest when cardiac massage outside the body.