这是一次为了学习的盛会。 金风送爽的北京十月,26、27日两天,北京国际会议中心第10、11会议室里高朋满座,“第三届中国连锁药店高峰论坛”上汇聚了医药工业和商业界的管理精英。 近年来风头正劲的平价药店们来了:湖南老百姓、江西开心人、山西万民、徐州恩华……清一色的老总级人马,高调亮相。 与锋芒毕露的平价药店相比,连锁药店的巨头们愈发显得韬光养晦:海王星辰、深圳一致、上海华氏、北京金象、嘉事堂……平静地坐在台下当起了听众。
This is a grand occasion for learning. Goldwind Beijing October, 26, 27 two days, Beijing International Convention Center Room 10, 11 full of friends, “the third session of China Chain Drug Store Summit” brought together the pharmaceutical industry and business management elite . In recent years the booming of affordable pharmacies are coming: Hunan people, happy people in Jiangxi, Shanxi million people, Xuzhou Ernst & Young ... ... all the boss-level horse, a high profile appearance. Compared with the priceless drugstore, the drugstore giants seem to be keeping a low profile: Neptune, Shenzhen, Shanghai Fahrenheit, Beijing Golden Elephant, and Chittagong Church ... sit calmly as listeners.