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党的民主集中制原则是加强党的建设的法宝.它之所以能够在各个革命时期党的建设中发挥积极的作用,根本的原因在于它本身的合理性和科学性,具体地表现为民主和集中两者关系的辩证统一.因此,贯彻落实民主集中制原则,各级党委书记必须十分重视把握和处理好民主集中的辩证关系.一、统揽不包揽,集中精力研究决定重大问题抓大事、管全局、把方向,是党委领导的根本职能,是贯彻民主集中制最重要、最基本的内容和要求,也是当好党委书记必须练好的基本功.但是,在实际工作中,有些同志往往把握不住哪些是大事,哪些小事,以致包揽了一些行政领导和机关部门的事务性工作,管了一些党委不该管的事,其结果往往是大事议不透,小事议不完,该统的没统住,该放的没放开,费劲不小,效果不好,这实际上等于妨碍了民主集中制的真正实行.我刚任党委书记时,因到一个新单位,为了尽快熟悉情况和展开工作,存在急躁情绪,事无巨细,什么都管,一天到晚总有干不完的事情.一段时间下来,不仅自己感到很疲劳,工作也没有多大起色,其他委员还有想法.后来我调整了工作重点,把主要精力放在抓大事、把方向上,注重研究保持工厂稳定、深化企业改革、领导班子调整、职工工 The principle of democratic centralism of the party is a magic weapon for strengthening party building, and the fundamental reason why it can play an active part in the party building in all revolutionary phases lies in its own rationality and scientific nature, in particular as a manifestation of democracy and Therefore, to implement the principle of democratic centralism, party secretaries at all levels must attach great importance to the handling and handling of the dialectical relationship between democratic centralism.First, take all decisions to focus on major issues, It is also the basic function that a good party secretary must practice well in carrying out the fundamental and fundamental contents and requirements of democratic centralism while focusing on the overall situation and the direction of party committees’ leadership. However, in practical work, some comrades often grasp What can not live is a major event, what trivial matter, so that swept some of the administrative leadership and organs of the affairs of the work, control of some things that party committees should not control, the result is often fragmented, No system live, the release did not let go, strenuous, ineffective, which is actually equal to hinder the true implementation of democratic centralism .I was the party secretary, because A new unit, in order to get acquainted with the situation as soon as possible and work, there is impatience, everything, everything, all day and night there are always things to do .A period of time, not only themselves feel very tired, work is not much improvement , Other members still have ideas.Afterwards, I adjusted my work priorities and focused my energies on grasping the major issues and putting the emphasis on research to keep the factory stable, deepening the reform of the enterprise, adjusting the leading group,
1 育种工作是一种经济活动,育种目标设计是一种产品设计九十年代末,陕西粮食生产已进入阶段性总量平衡、丰年有余的发展时期,但结构性的短缺矛盾依然存在。就我省小麦生产来
目的:  1.采用McSNP法对位于人FOXO3A非编码区SNP位点分型。  2.制作FOXO3A及GAPDH内参基因的质粒标准品,构建可长期、间断性地对大量临床来源样本进行FOXO3A基因表达的定
对用外加电场极化法实现铁电畴周期性极化反转LiNbO3晶体(PPLN)的工艺进行了研究,首先采用光刻工艺技术在Z切厚度为0.5 mm的LiNbO3晶体的正畴面和负畴面上刻蚀出与掩膜板完全
1975年秋冬,周恩来病情开始迅速恶化,经常昏迷不醒。12月20日凌晨,周恩来醒来,叫秘书立即打电话给负责台湾工作的罗青长,请尽快来医院见面。 罗青长,这个周恩来弥留之际特意