低温常压等离子体产生的丰富的化学活性物种(活性氧和氮基团)在生物医学应用(如伤口消毒和愈合)上有着很高的需求,尤其是活性氧基团(如O(3P)、O(5P)、OH*、O2-、1O2、O、O3和H2O2)有着很强的杀菌能力。为此,采用了一种针-环介质阻挡放电(DBD)结构的Ar/H2O等离子体射流作用于生理盐水中生成H2O2,并对水蒸气体积分数、等离子体处理时间及等离子体处理后储存时间对生理盐水中H2O2浓度的影响进行了相应的研究。研究结果表明:在相同处理时间的情况下,生理盐水中H2O2浓度随着水蒸气体积分数的增大而出现先增后减的情况,而H2O2生成率和能量利用率则受水蒸气体积分数影响不大;在相同水蒸气体积分数的情况下,较长的等离子体处理时间将会导致较高的H2O2浓度、生成率和能量利用率;等离子体处理后的生理盐水中的H2O2在40 min时间内可以相对稳定地存在,显示了H2O2在等离子体药学上应用的可能性。
The abundant chemically active species (reactive oxygen species and nitrogenous species) produced by cryogenics have high demand for biomedical applications such as wound disinfection and healing, especially reactive oxygen species such as O (3P) , O (5P), OH *, O2-, 1O2, O, O3 and H2O2) have a strong bactericidal ability. For this purpose, a kind of Ar / H2O plasma jet with a pin-ring dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) structure was used to generate H2O2 in physiological saline, and the water vapor volume fraction, plasma treatment time and plasma treatment storage time The effect of H2O2 concentration in saline was studied. The results showed that the concentration of H2O2 in physiological saline increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of the volume fraction of water vapor at the same treatment time, while the H2O2 production rate and energy utilization rate were affected by the volume fraction of water vapor Is not large; at the same steam volume fraction, longer plasma treatment time will result in higher H2O2 concentration, generation rate and energy utilization; plasma treated H2O2 in saline after 40 min time Can be relatively stable within the plasma H2PO2 shows the possibility of pharmacy applications.