夏季蕃茄为了提早供应市场,晚秋的金柑和蕃茄果实在生长到一定的大小后,因为外界气温下降,往往不能在植株上完成成熟阶段,都要提前采收,再用乙烯利进行催熟,提高品质,适应需要。现将试验结果初报如下: (一)金柑: 1.材料和处理方法;试验金柑采自华农园艺站果园,分两次采收,第一次在1974年
Summer tomatoes in order to provide early market, late autumn kumquat and tomato fruit grown to a certain size, because the outside temperature dropped, often can not be completed on the mature stage of plants, have to harvest in advance, then ethephon ripening, increased Quality, to meet the needs. The first test results are reported as follows: (A) Kumquat: 1. Materials and processing methods; test kumquat collected from the Chinese orchard garden orchard, collected twice, the first time in 1974