
来源 :人民之声 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oldbuck
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民间借贷,是指自然人、法人、其他组织之间及其相互之间进行资金融通的行为。随着经济活动的日益趋多,民间借贷行为也越来越多,从而引发的借贷纠纷更是呈上升趋势。而在民间借贷案件中,普遍存在部分或者全部借款现金支付的情况,这也往往成为民间借贷纠纷案件中双方争议较大的焦点问题,长期给法院审判工作带来很大的难度。案情简介原告曾某与被告李某是同村人,曾 Private lending refers to the act of financial intermediation between natural persons, legal persons and other organizations and among themselves. With the increasing economic activity, there are also more and more private lending activities, which leads to an upward trend in loan disputes. In the case of private lending, there is a widespread cash payment of some or all of the loans, which often becomes the focus of controversy between the two parties in the case of private lending disputes. This has brought great difficulty to the court trial in the long run. Brief introduction of the case Plaintiff Zengmou and defendant Lee is the same village, had
古时候有个聪明的青年叫万年,他想找到计算时间的方法,制定出比较准确的历法。  一天,万年上山砍柴,累了就坐在树下休息。明亮的阳光照着大树,投下影子。随着时间的变化,树影慢慢移动。万年灵机一动,设计了一个测日影计天时的晷仪,测定一天的时间。  又有一次,他经过一座山崖时,看到从崖上滴下的泉水。受此启发,他动手做了一个五层漏壶来计算时间。天长日久,万年发现每隔三百六十天左右,四季就轮回一次,天时的长短