孔汉思起草的《世界宗教议会走向全球伦理宣言》貌似公正 ,其实仍然是一种霸权主义的伦理建构方法。只有从各种文化的内部出发 ,寻找出符合普遍伦理的因素并加以发展 ,使各种文化“和而不同” ,才是公平有效的方法。中国原始儒家的仁学伦理观和“己所不欲 ,勿施于人”的建构方法 ,以及“内圣外王”的成德原则 ,为建构人与人、人与自然、伦理与科学的相互促生与和谐发展等普遍伦理的基本准则提供了重要的启示
The “Global Religious Parliament’s Global Declaration of Ethnology” drafted by Kong Hansi looks fair and is in fact still a hegemonic ethical construction method. Only by starting from the interior of various cultures, finding out and developing common ethical factors and making all cultures “harmonious and different” is a fair and effective method. The ethics of benevolence in China’s primitive Confucianism, the method of constructing what one does not want to do but not others, and the principle of becoming a virtuous person who " Mutual promotion and harmonious development of the basic principles of universal ethics provides important inspiration