
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coophui
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营造满足老年人需求的户外活动场所是现代城市建设中的重要课题。文章提出,为迎合现代老年人对于户外活动场地的特殊需求,应从人性化设计的角度出发,分析当前老年人的生理及心理特征,探索以人为本的设计理念在户外活动场地中的应用,以及老年人户外活动场所空间形态的设计原则,从而使老年人在新型户外环境的体验中能够得到满足。 Creating outdoor venues that meet the needs of the elderly is an important issue in the construction of modern cities. The article proposes that in order to cater to the special requirements of the modern elderly for the venues for outdoor activities, the physiological and psychological characteristics of the current elderly should be analyzed from the perspective of human design, and the application of the people-oriented design concept in outdoor venues should be explored, Outdoor space design principles of space, so that the elderly in the new outdoor environment can be satisfied with the experience.