1997年7月份以来,一场凶猛的金融危机如瘟疫般传遍亚洲,并迅速波及全球,这使得国际金融界的超级大炒家——乔治·索罗斯成为举世关注的焦点人物。他在兴风作浪、大发横财的同时,也以“杀手”之名遭到了一片痛骂。 事实上,索罗斯是全球金融市场上的集上帝与恶魔于一身的人物,这正如中国和西方神话中都有的“两面神”:从正面看他慈眉善目,从背面看却是凶神恶煞。倘
Since July 1997, a fierce financial crisis spread to Asia as a plague and spread rapidly around the world. This has made George Soros, a super speculator in the international financial community, a focus of attention in the world. While he was making trouble and making a big fortune, he was also beaten and scolded by the name of “killer.” In fact, Soros is one of the gods and demons in the global financial markets. Like the “two gods” in both Chinese and western mythology, Soros is, from the positive side, a kindhearted man and a vicious man from the back. if