ExxonMobil Breaks Ground on Technology Center in Shanghai

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cyril
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On May 8th,ExxonMobil Chemical broke ground on its technology center in ShanghaiZizhu Scierice-based Industrial Park,eastern China.The event marks the start ofconstruction and represents an important milestone for ExxonMobil Chemical’s continuingbusiness growth in China.“This new center in Shanghai is an important step towards supporting the tremen- On May 8th, ExxonMobil Chemical broke ground on its technology center in ShanghaiZizhu Scierice-based Industrial Park, eastern China. The event marks the start of construction and represents an important milestone for ExxonMobil Chemical’s continuing business growth in China. ”This new center in Shanghai is an important step towards supporting the tremen-
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