In recent years, Japan has developed a wide range of facilities horticultural pest control devices, of which the most notable is the unmanned control of operating equipment. Self-propelled sprayer, also known as a robot spray car, is currently the most popular facility within the prevention and control machinery. A fully automatic and semi-automatic two, both in the body with a retractable hose can automatically retractable, can walk in the shed between the 畦, reciprocating spray. Fully automatic spray after a 畦, you can automatically move to the next track 畦, spraying agents, the operator does not have to enter the room, and completely unmanned operation. Semi-automatic can only be sprayed back and forth between the bow, need artificial auxiliary transfer. Application of this machine can spray 1.5 acres of crops within 0.5 to 1 hour. The machine is characterized by full use of the original power sprayer modification, spray nozzle form and manpower are basically the same, can be obtained with the same manual spraying