
来源 :泸州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shingang
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患者女,63岁。因头昏、心悸10天,加重1天伴昏厥数次于1990年11月3日入院。10天前,因受凉后感头昏、心悸、乏力,伴低热、胸闷、咳嗽、中药治疗无效。1天前,患者服药后(药名不详)站立时突然昏倒,呼之不应,口吐白沫,四肢抽搐,小便失禁,持续数分钟后自行缓解。以后又于解小便.行走及卧床休息时类似发作数次而入院。自诉近10年来劳累后心累、气促,故未参加体力劳动,仍能胜任一般家务。家族中无类似病史。查体:体温37.8℃,脉博80次/分,血压14/6kpa(105/ Female patient, 63 years old. Due to dizziness, palpitations 10 days, aggravating 1 day with syncope several times in November 3, 1990 admission. 10 days ago, dizziness due to cold, palpitations, fatigue, with fever, chest tightness, cough, Chinese medicine treatment is invalid. 1 day ago, the patient took medicine (unknown drug name) suddenly collapsed when standing, call should not be, foaming at the mouth, limbs convulsions, urinary incontinence, self-sustained after a few minutes to ease. Later in the solution to urinate. Walking and bed rest a few times a similar episode and admission. Prostitution in the past 10 years tired after tired, shortness of breath, it did not participate in manual labor, still capable of general housework. No similar family history. Physical examination: body temperature 37.8 ℃, Pulse Bo 80 times / min, blood pressure 14 / 6kpa (105 /
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