
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huang_hh
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教学目标是指教学活动的主体在具体活动中所要达到的预期结果,是教和学双边活动的出发点与归宿,是师生在教学过程中都应共同遵循的标准。教学目标的制定必须达到完整、明确、具体、适当的要求。教学目标必须是完整的,这是时代赋予的要求,也是教学过程的客观反映。义务教育的实质是民族素质教育,在九年义务教育全日制小学数学教学新课标中,关于教学的目的明确规定在小学阶段必须进行的知识、智能、思想品德三方面的教学和教育,只有在每节课的教学目标中对这 Teaching objectives refer to the expected results to be achieved by the main body of the teaching activities in the specific activities. It is the starting point and end-result of the bilateral activities of teaching and learning. It is the standard that both teachers and students should jointly follow in the teaching process. Teaching objectives must be developed to achieve complete, clear, specific and appropriate requirements. The goal of teaching must be complete, which is a requirement given by the times and an objective reflection of the teaching process. The essence of compulsory education is national quality education. In the nine-year compulsory education full-time primary school mathematics teaching new curriculum standard, the purpose of teaching explicitly stipulates the three aspects of teaching and education of knowledge, intelligence and ideology and morality that must be carried out in primary school. Only the This is the teaching goal of each lesson
东府办〔2012〕104号各镇人民政府(街道办事处),市府直属各单位:《东莞市职业技术教育改革发展“十二五”规划》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Dongfu
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Chiroptical properties including electronic circular dichroism(ECD) and optical rotatory dispersion(ORD) of artemisinin and artemether have been fully studied u