【教材说明】修订版PEP五年级下册Recycle 1(第35页)中有一首小诗——Bed in Summer。该诗选自英国著名作家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的诗歌集“A Child’s Garden of Verses(小童诗苑)”。教材中对诗歌使用了颜色分段,但是我认为这种分法是错误的。正确的分段应该是:Bed in Summer In winter I get up at night
【Explanation】 teaching materials Revised PEP fifth grade volumes Recycle 1 (p. 35) has a poem - Bed in Summer. The poem from the famous British writer Robert Louis Stevenson’s poetry collection “A Child’s Garden of Verses (Children’s Poetry Court) ”. Textbooks used color segmentation for poetry, but I think this is wrong. The correct segment should be: Bed in Summer In winter I get up at night