再见已是另一番模样 探访异地重张的东单菜市场

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1997年,商业巨擘李嘉诚拿下位于长安街上,毗邻天安门广场和故宫的顶级地块,建立了标志其进军内地房地产的“东方广场项目”。然而令人遗憾的是,在拆迁的众多建筑中,北京最古老的菜市场——东单菜市场也在其中。2015年9月,阔别18年的东单菜市场异地重张。虽然新址选在东城区的和平里西街,但市场外却仍挂着写有“东单菜市场”字样的老牌子。从外面乍一看,重新开业的东单菜市场非但没有一点儿“菜市场”的影子,反而看起来像个“超级市场”。 In 1997, commercial giants Li Ka-shing won the “Oriental Plaza Project” marking the entry of real estate into the mainland in Chang’an Avenue, adjacent to the top blocks of Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. However, unfortunately, among the many demolished buildings, the Dongsai market, the oldest vegetable market in Beijing, is also included. In September 2015, the Dongdan market, which is 18 years away, reopened. Although the new site was selected in Hepingli West Street in Dongcheng District, the old brand with the words “Dongsai Market” still hung outside the market. From the outside, at first glance, the reopened Dongsan market not only does not have a little “vegetable market,” but looks like a “supermarket.”