本刊消息 为加强地方病防治研究工作,卫生部决定在哈尔滨市建立“中国地方病防治研究中心”。“中心”以黑龙江省克山病研究所、大骨节病研究所、地甲病研究所和地方性氟中毒研究室等科研机构为基础,地址在哈尔滨医科大学院内,隶属黑龙江省卫生厅领导,由哈尔滨医科大学代管,业务上接受卫生部地方病防治局的指导,承担全国克山病、大骨节病、地方
Article News In order to strengthen research on prevention and treatment of endemic diseases, the Ministry of Health decided to establish the “China endemic disease prevention and control research center” in Harbin. “Center” to Heilongjiang Province Keshan Disease Institute, Kashin-Beck Disease Institute, Institute of Achyratosis and endemic fluorosis and other research institutions based on the address in Harbin Medical University Hospital, under the leadership of Health Department of Heilongjiang Province, By the Harbin Medical University escrow, business to accept the Ministry of Health endemic disease prevention and control guidance, commitment Keshan disease, Kashin-Beck disease, the place