日本學者曾經聲言要在三五年內,在中醫中藥方面超過中國。一旦在中醫中藥方面超過中國,就把‘漢醫漢方’(即中醫中藥)改稱‘東洋醫學’。這是今年三月十七日,中國一家發行頗爲廣泛的晚報在頭版以《一番並非危言聳聽的話,我國中醫研究當心别人趕上》爲題發表的消息,五天之後,該報又發表了兩位外籍華裔專家贊同這篇報道的清息,他們認爲,中醫的研究不跑步不得了。看來,中醫正面臨着挑戰。問題提出來的背景很早以前,中醫學就越出國界,爲許多國家的病人解除痛苦。近年來,中醫學傳播得更爲廣遠。國際上出現了一股‘中醫熱’。 許多人認識中醫是從針灸開始的。世界衛生組織就委託中國舉辦過三個國際針灸班。幾年來,我國已爲一百二十多個國家培養了一千多名針灸醫生,大多數學員結業後,能按中醫理論和方法進行治病。目前,在中國學習自然科學的外國留學生中,攻讀中醫的人數佔第一位。此外,中國還不斷接受來考察、學習中醫的外國專家、學者。 據北京《光明日報》透露,世界上已有一百多個國家和地區開展了針灸、針麻的臨床運
Japanese scholars once said they would surpass China in traditional Chinese medicine in 35 years. Once it surpassed China in terms of traditional Chinese medicine, “Han Chinese” (ie traditional Chinese medicine) was renamed “Oriental Medicine.” This is the publication on March 17 this year of a quite extensive evening paper published by a Chinese newspaper on the front page with the words “Something is not alarmist, Chinese medical research is catching on with others.” Five days later, the newspaper published Two foreign Chinese experts agreed with the news of this report, they believe that the study of Chinese medicine is not a terrible run. It appears that Chinese medicine is facing challenges. The Background to the Problem Long ago, Chinese medicine went beyond national boundaries and relieved the suffering of patients in many countries. In recent years, the spread of Chinese medicine has become even more widespread. An international fever has emerged in the world. Many people know that Chinese medicine started from acupuncture. WHO commissioned three international acupuncture classes for China. Over the past few years, China has trained over 1,000 acupuncturists for more than 120 countries. After graduation, most of the trainees can treat their illness according to the theories and methods of Chinese medicine. At present, among the foreign students studying natural science in China, the number of Chinese medicine practitioners is the highest. In addition, China has continuously accepted foreign experts and scholars who have come to visit and study Chinese medicine. According to Beijing’s Guangming Daily, more than 100 countries and regions in the world have conducted clinical trials of acupuncture and acupuncture