在“以人为本”的社会化网络时代,企业与客户的关系变得更加密切。如何在社会化网络的茫茫人海中识别、留住最具潜质的客户,挖掘其关系价值,如何控制社会化网络爆炸式传播力可能带来的公关风险并利用这种传播提升企业软实力等问题都需要对传统CRM(客户关系管理)重新进行系统性思考。本文立足于此,从传播学、营销学、管理学等多元视角,来探究当今日渐崛起的Social CRM(社会化客户关系管理)。
In the “people-oriented” era of social networking, business and customer relationships become more closely. How to identify and retain the most potential customers in the vast network of socialized networks, tap the value of their relationship, how to control public relations risks that may arise from the explosive spread of social networks and use such dissemination to enhance the soft power of enterprises Need to rethink traditional CRM (customer relationship management) systematically. Based on this, this article explores the growing Social CRM (Social CRM) from the perspectives of communication, marketing and management.