1991~1996年我们收治有机磷农药中毒后神经精神症18例,现报道如下。 1 临床资料 本组男7例,女11例,年龄15~54岁。自急性中毒到产生神经精神症的间隔时间均在2周以上,最长1例40天。病程大于3年者1例,半年以上者9例,其余8例均在3月以上。临床表现有间歇性头昏、头痛、失眠、记忆力减退等神经衰弱综合征;神经系统症状有四肢麻木、感觉异常12例,尚有随意运动障碍、单瘫、偏瘫等;精神症状有幻听、幻视7例;癔病样瘫痪,发作时僵直,可持续数日,但意识清醒无思维破裂,恢复后如常人2例,1例出现神经系统器质性损害,目前病程已超过3年,仍有多动、震颤、四肢无力、感觉减退、步态改变、共济失调等。
From 1991 to 1996, we treated 18 cases of neuropsychosis after organophosphorus pesticide poisoning and are reported as follows. 1 Clinical data The group of 7 males and 11 females, aged 15 to 54 years. From the acute poisoning to produce neuropsychiatric disease in the interval of more than 2 weeks, up to 1 case 40 days. One course of disease more than 3 years, more than six months in 9 cases, and the remaining 8 cases were in March. Clinical manifestations include intermittent dizziness, headache, insomnia, memory loss and other neurasthenic syndrome; nervous system symptoms numbness of the limbs, sensory abnormalities in 12 cases, there are free movement disorders, single paralysis, hemiplegia, etc .; mental symptoms of auditory hallucinations, 7 cases of visual hallucination; hysteria-like paralysis, onset of stiffness, sustainable for several days, but without conscious thinking rupture, as normal after recovery in 2 cases, 1 case of organic damage to the nervous system, the current course of more than 3 years, still How active, tremor, weakness, feeling diminished, changes in gait, ataxia and so on.