
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuliangmike
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在我国现代化建设日新月异,在经济和综合国力都高速发展的今天,文化已被看作是一个国家软实力的重要组成部分。古都郑州作为一现代商业城市,每天都演绎着喧嚣和繁华,大量的人流蜂拥而至,他们不光留恋这座城市以及城市周边的美景,更钟情这里的文化和韵味。郑州城隍庙就是在这个喧嚣都市中以其优雅、宁静且独特的文化环境让市民们体验文化,感受传统的地方。它位于郑州老城区东部,地处喧嚣的闹市,一座座飞檐高 With the rapid modernization of our country and the rapid development of economy and comprehensive national strength, culture has been regarded as an important part of a country’s soft power. As a modern commercial city, the ancient capital of Zhengzhou, performing a daily hustle and bustle, a large number of people flock to them. They not only love the beautiful scenery around the city and the city, but also love the culture and charm of the city. Zhengzhou City God Temple is in this noisy city with its elegant, quiet and unique cultural environment for citizens to experience the culture, feel the traditional place. It is located in the eastern part of the old town of Zhengzhou, is located in the noisy downtown, a high seat cornices