目的 :了解国产毛果芸香碱 (瑞尔欣 )治疗精神药物所致口干的疗效和不良反应。方法 :精神药物所致口干 75例 ,前 6 0例病人分为两组 ,每组男女病人各 15例 ,采用随机双盲对照方法分别给予毛果芸香碱 (2 .5mg/片 )或外形相同的安慰剂 (淀粉 ) 2片 ,口服tid ,连用 2 8d。另 15例病人同样方法予毛果芸香碱开放治疗。结果 :毛果芸香碱总有效率为 77.8% ,安慰剂组自然有效率为 2 6 .7% ;组间比较 ,P <0 .0 1。不良反应有窦缓 ,出汗 ,流泪和视物模糊。结论 :本药对精神药物所致口干安全有效
Objective: To understand the efficacy and adverse reactions of domestic pilocarpine (Rilinkin) in the treatment of dry mouth caused by psychotropic drugs. Methods: 75 cases of dry mouth caused by psychotropic drugs were divided into two groups. The patients in each group were 15 and 15 respectively. Patients were given pilocarpine (2.5 mg / tablet) or the same shape comfort Agent (starch) 2 tablets, oral tid, once every 2 8d. The other 15 patients the same way to open treatment of pilocarpine. Results: The total effective rate of pilocarpine was 77.8% and that of placebo group was 26.7%. P <0.01. Adverse reactions with sinus slowly, sweating, tearing and blurred vision. Conclusion: The drug is safe and effective for dry mouth due to psychotropic drugs