通感移觉也要讲缘分感,叹什么样的机缘巧合能让眼前的一切恰似白日梦幻却,又爽朗真切。“当你以食物为创作对象的时候很难不想到艺术食。物基本上就是一门艺术!”Martin Juul如是说。当你以食物为创作对象的时候很难不想到艺术食。物基本上就是一门艺术!
Sense of perceptual shift also talk about sense of fate, sigh what kind of chance coincidence can make everything just like day dreams, but also hearty and true. “It’s hard to miss the art of eating when you’re cooking for food. It’s basically art!” Said Martin Juul. It’s hard not to think of art food when you’re cooking food. Material is basically an art!