目的探讨儿童白瞳症的诊断.方法对136例儿童白瞳症病例进行回顾性分析.结果患儿平均年龄4.3岁,病因以先天性白内障最多,共88例,占64.7%,其次为视网膜母细胞瘤.占23.5%,第三位为转移性眼内炎,占5.9%.误诊5例,误诊率为3.7%.结论超声波检查、CT扫描对儿童白瞳症诊断和鉴别诊断有重要价值.“,”Objective To report the diagnosis of children'sleukokoria. Methods 136 cases with leukokoria of chil-dren have been retrospectively studied. Results The av-erage age of these 136 cases was 4. 3 years The first causeof children's leukokoria was congenital cataract(64. 7 % ),the second cause was Rb (23. 5 % ), the third cause wasendogenous endophthalmitis. Misdiagnosis 5 cases. the rateof misdiagnosis was 3. 7 %. Conclusion Ultrasonographyand CT scan is helpful in the differential diagnosis amongIcukokoria of children.