
来源 :工会理论研究.上海工会管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:free_1
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劳动关系是指劳动者与用人单位(包括各类企业、个体工商户、事业单位等)在实现劳动过程中建立的社会经济关系。从广义上讲,生活在城市和农村的任何劳动者与任何陛质的用人单位之间因从事劳动而结成的社会关系都属于劳动关系的范畴。 Labor relations refers to the social and economic relations established by laborers and employers (including various types of enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, public institutions, etc.) in the process of realizing labor. Broadly speaking, any social relations between any laborer living in urban and rural areas and any employing unit of his or her gentry engaged in labor belong to the category of labor relations.