自2010年4月1日起,中纤板新标准GB/T 11 718-2009中规定了甲醛释放限量≤8 mg/100 g,并取消了E2级板。国内有关生产企业欲与国际接轨,生产环保型E1级板材,则必须面临技术障碍、管理障碍和成本上升等多种压力。本公司根据企业现状,通过添加高效低剂量生物质助剂、使用低n(甲醛)/n(尿素)比例和分两个阶段控制终点[不添加大剂量三聚氰胺(M)或其它捕醛剂]等方法,采用弱酸工艺成功制备出一种环保型E1级板材用低成本脲醛树脂(UF)胶粘剂。
From April 1, 2010 onwards, the new standard for MDF GB / T 11 718-2009 provides formaldehyde release limit ≤ 8 mg / 100 g, and the elimination of the E2 level board. Domestic manufacturers want to comply with international standards, the production of environmentally friendly E1-class plate, you must face technical obstacles, management barriers and rising costs and other pressures. According to the status quo of the enterprise, the Company uses the low n (formaldehyde) / n (urea) ratio and controls the endpoint in two phases [without adding high-dose melamine (M) or other catalysing agents] And other methods, using a weak acid process successfully prepared a low-cost environmentally friendly E1 plate UF resin adhesive.