美国 Elgin 清扫车公司(Elgin Sweeper Company)是一家世界著名的清扫车及市政工程车生产企业,其产品以技术先进、效率高、性能可靠等著称。1914年以来,随着公路逐渐向着高等级、耐用和创新等方向发展,美国Elgin公司不断开发出适销对路的产品,从而形成了宽系列的产品型谱,从?
Elgin Sweeper Company is a world-renowned manufacturer of sweepers and municipal engineering vehicles. Its products are famous for its advanced technology, high efficiency and reliable performance. Since 1914, with the gradual development of highways, durability and innovation, the Elgin Company in the United States has continuously developed marketable products to form a broad series of product spectrum.